Individualized Care
At TIDES LLC, we specialize in providing services to individuals who experience intellectual and developmental disabilities and who currently have an IDD, ISW, APDD, ALI, or CCMC Medicaid waiver approved by the State of Alaska. We work closely with individuals, family members, and care coordinators to identify the support need and provide services as outlined in each individual’s plan of care. The services we provide include:
Residential Habilitation – providing goal-directed care within an individual’s home by providing supported living and in-home services. We support recipients in various home settings. Some recipients live with family, and we provide minimal support within the home. Others live independently, and we may provide as-needed support or a 24-hour level of support. It’s important for us to identify the level of support needed and provide options regarding how to provide direct care in the most natural way possible.

Day Habilitation – assisting individuals with accessing the community to fulfill everyday needs, such as running errands and participating in activities that involve recreation, socialization, and community involvement.
Respite Care – providing temporary relief and support to individuals, families, and caregivers.
Supported Employment – working closely with recipients and employers to provide support on the job. At TIDES LLC, we believe that everyone has the right and ability to work and be professionally connected to one’s community.
As a Community Rehabilitation Provider, we work closely with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, helping recipients identify fields of interest and working with employers to find job matches. Through the Medicaid waiver, we can provide ongoing job support as needed.
Our Promise to You
At TIDES LLC, we promise to listen to you and develop a support plan for you and/or your loved one. We believe strongly in helping you develop and maintain natural relationships with peers and community members, as well as helping you find meaningful employment within your community. We will advocate for you to have the support you need to live within your own home, whether you choose to live by yourself, with a roommate, or with your family. We believe in your choice and ability to work and earn an income, travel, take risks, and enjoy everything this world has to offer. Most importantly, we believe in you.
Teamwork, Integrity, and Dependability in Everyday Services